Monday, June 20, 2016

by Zulaikha Mohamad

Dia yang membuatku tersenyum
Dia juga membuatku tertawa
Meski terkadang airmata menitis
Dia juga yang kuharap menyapunya

Dia diam tampak kental
Dia tersenyum, penuh kelembutan
Meski terkadang bermuram durja
Dia yang kuharap segera memujuk

Tiada upaya tanpa izinNya
Tiada harapan selain redhaNya
Satukan hati kami keranaMu
Tuhan yang memegang hati-hati manusia.



Thursday, June 16, 2016

by ZulaikhaMohamad

Terkadang terkenang menyentuh jiwa
Terkadang teringat menyentap jiwa
Sungguh insan sungguh kerdil
Sungguh insan sungguh rapuh

Sengetkah dia, atau mata kitakah?
Sengaukah dia, atau telinga kitakan?
Bendulkah dia, atau otak kitakah?
Jahilkah dia, atau jiwa kitakah?

Dia dan kita sama sahaja
Semua nantikan RedhaNya sahaja
Tiada penimbang bisa timbangkan
Kecuali di hari perhitungan kelak

#puisi #5min #tetiba

Thursday, June 2, 2016


I've been spending so much time trying to figure out ways to make easy on this difficult task.

At first, this is what I do...

Imagine, all the hassle.. using the mouse (or trackpad) to move around in words and the audio player, pause, play, pause, play.. Really hard. It took me over a week (or two perhaps.. hahah) to transcribe an interview of 3 hours. Ya Allah. It was hard.

So, this talkative lady, as always, will tell everything to her dear husband, which includes lots of words 'HARD'. And he, being a gentleman as always too, responded, 'Kenapa tak guna app?'

It stroke me hard. A so-called-IT-person, which didn't look for any solution of IT.

So now, taraaa... I'm using this now..

It's so easy now. Just register for free trial, or you might as well pay $20 for annual licensing, then upload the interview's audio, and start transcribing in the provided text box. 

You can slow down the playback of the recording by pressing F1, so you can transcribe with minimal pausing!! To pause, press ESC! And to insert a time stamp is also so easy. F6 everyone!! (;

I totally recommending this to those that in the midst of transcribing phase.




Sifu saya, DAO, selalu cakap kena ada blog. Blog paling penting dalam media social ni. Berbanding fesbuk yang data nya boleh corrupt bila2 masa ajer, blog lebih reliable.

I've got a lot to share. But to the people whom know me, I'm not someone who easily blurted out to someone who foreign to me. I might look friendly, but it really hard for me to get close to people. I am talkative (so i heard..hahah) but, what u're outside is not really what u're inside. 

Tapi, nak kena beat the norm jugak ni...  (;

Old saying, 'to get to the people hearts, you've got to get to their hearts first'. So, today, I've decided to get started with my blog. I will start to share all the experiences that I've gone thru during my wonderful 38yrs of life. Eh, tak muda ke? Muda lagi laa 38 ni. Belum 48 tahun pun. Btw, I don't know what is going on with my sifu DAO and a so called-somebody-aged-48yo. Hihih.

So, enough of today. Pls don't mind my way of expressing myself. This is the way that I felt comfortable in conveying my heartfelt to all. 


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Gambar Raya

Ni gambar raya yang diambil selepas kaum adam balik dari solat raya. Kaum hawa? Tahun ni takde yang ikut pergi solat kat masjid. Yang ada cuma 7 beradik & families aje. Lagi 3 orang, Abg Yie balik Pattani, Abg Pie & Kak Da sampai lambat pagi tu. So, takdelah diorang dalam gambo.

Family Pic - with 2 new family member : Haszlan (Laa's hubby) and Aiman Zafran (Na's newborn -5dys)

Umie & Abah with menantu (-3). From Left : Asmi (Na's hub), Saiful (Lie's hub), Abg Zie (K'Jua's hub), Nizam (my hub) and Lan (La's hub).

Umie & Abah with anak2 (-3 also). From left Lie, Na, K'Jua, Me, Lea, La and sitting:Jamal. Yang belum kawin tinggal Lea & Jamal je.

Umie & Abah with cucu2 (-11). From top left: Ecah, Iya, Bamin & Ajak (K'Jua's). Bottom left: Amal (Lie's), Ain (Laa's), Aiman (Naa's) and Hani, Hana (mine).

My dear hubby & dotters: Nizam, Hana & Hani :)

My eldest sister's family: K'Jua, Abg Zie, Bamin, Iya, Ecah & Ajak

And the rest.. tak larat dah nak upload. Kena install photo editor dulu la kt rumah ni..:(

Friday, October 17, 2008

Raya Feast

It was a Feast. Kenapa agaknya ye? Memang terlalu meriah juadah raya tahun ni. Untuk Raya Pertama: Nasi Briyani (ayam masak merah, gulai daging, acar), Nasi Kunyit (Pulut Kuning), Nasi Impit & Kuah Kacang (kitorang panggil satey debok), Ketupat Daun Palas, Rendang, Lemang and not to forget Satey Ayam & Daging. It took me, my niece, my nephew and Pak Aziz 4 hours to complete the 'cucuk' task. Everything was self cook by the whole family. :)
On the Raya Kedua, walaaa... a whole kambing biri2 panggang. Added with roasted chicken & duck. Hari ni jugak, our tapai pulut dah 'masak'. Memang diorang ni makan tak ingat dunialah. Memang sounds very tiring, tapi we all agreed that this is the most joyous and meriah Raya ever.
Finally Raya Ketiga nasi dagang. And by end of the day, we were on our trip back to Bangi and then to Ijok, to celebrate raya with my in laws.
My hubby loves lamb. No wonder he's smiling while waiting the lamb to be cooked. And sitting far, is my father and as always the 'mandur'of everything.. heheh.. Jangan marah abah! :P

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Desperate Housewives Season 5

Another old entry. I've downloaded the S05E01 and S05E02 since the last two weeks, and now completing my 3rd download. Heck, forgot to updated it here. So, while I'm enjoying my episode, hope you will with yours.:) Thanks to my hubby for all his effort.. :)

Btw, kurang kick aa season ni bcoz the gorgeous Eva Longoria turn out to be a very ordinary mommy.. (sadly)